Smart/Intelligence Elegant Cooperation and Partnership, Generous, and Thoughtful
Infographic: What Makes a Brain Smart?
Scientists have proposed a variety of features influence one’s ability to remember things and solve problems.–what-makes-a-brain-smart–64980?fbclid=IwAR0-d3VWZCmfC1-5kQ5uV7J7bqGqyQVnoCoVxMgoem8xNxrK-HQaJOxG2Hs
“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.”
~ Albert Einstein
Play that is encouraged on The Miraculist, with Intelligent animals that play
Why Playing is the smart thing to do
Smart Partners, as in Smart Men and Smart Women, in Balance of Masculine and Feminine Energies in Elegant Cooperation and Partnership (Mutual Ascension, Partners in Confidence
Why smart men make better partners
Intelligence of the male partner affects the strength and longevity of the relationship, find researchers.
Smart Women as Amazing Partners sync in balance of Masculine and Feminine Energies with Elegant Cooperation and Partnership
Think of your ideal wife: are brains at the top of your list when you name her best qualities? Perhaps they should be. New research suggests that having a brainy bride may extend your life and ward off dementia. During a talk called Dementia: How Can We Protect Ourselves?, Professor Lawrence Whalley, emeritus professor of mental health in the College of Medicine and Life Sciences at the University of Aberdeen, said: ‘The thing a boy is never told he needs to do if he wants to live a longer life – but what he should do – is marry an intelligent woman. There is no better buffer (to dementia) than intelligence.”