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The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop, Version 90

Sexuality is a limited topic on purpose on The Miraculist, to respect Sexual abuse survivors. If you need help, I recommend it with a psychologist or psychiatrist. Partners decide what is right for them in regards to sex with consenting adults only. Sex, when it is healthy in Partnership, is a good energy tank filler, and a need for both men and women. The focus is on Elegant Cooperation and Partnership and long-term, committed intimacy.

Please go to Men and Sex at PAX Partnership

Circuit + Circle + Tesla's Key of 3 Vibration in Elegant Cooperation and Partnership with Sex (Long-term, committed intimacy focus only) creates a circuit + Harmony + Rhythm (Hermetic Principle)

Sex creates a circuit of energy between two bodies. Energy is transferred.

Tantra is a system created for healthy, long-term, committed partners only, and it's intended only for that purpose.

The battery effect:

"When two people have sex with adoration/love, the hearts opens and the energy between both of them give and receive. This transfer of energy can transmute emotional trauma, unlock information from your DNA, align you with you higher self, and give pleasure all at the same time, instead of feeling drained afterwards, you glow feeling replenished on a spiritual, physical and mental level"

“Forget about having goals for sex. Forget about the goal of orgasm. Learn to just be together in a timeless zone. This becomes more orgasmic than any genital release can ever be.

And when the wife and the husband, or the lovers, or the partners, start vibrating in a rhythm, their beats of their heart and body become together, it becomes a harmony – then orgasm happens, then they are no more two. That is the symbol of yin and yang: yin moving into yang, yang moving into yin; man moving into the woman, the woman moving into the man. Now they are a circle and they vibrate together, they pulsate together. Their hearts are no more separate, their beats are no more separate; they have become a melody, a harmony. It is the greatest music possible; all other musics are just faint things compared to it, shadow things compared to it.

And that is the joy of sex, because you disappear for a moment. That moment is very small, but immense is its impact. For one moment you are no more the ego, you don’t think in terms of ‘I’, for one moment you dissolve into the unity of the all, you become one with the whole, you pulsate with the whole. You are no more an individual, you are no more confined to your body. You don’t know limitations, for a moment you are unlimited, infinite.” -- Osho

Sexuality is a limited topic on purpose on TM, to respect Sexual abuse survivors. Also, this is part of Molecules of Emotion, to which Reason and Logic aren’t developed in the mind until age 8, through age 14. Everything before that in connection is Emotional.

Emotional vs. Logic and Reason

This passage is important. When a baby is born, its connection to its mother is emotional, formed within the first 3 minutes of birth. Logic and reason skills aren’t learned and formed in the mind until ages 8-14. This means that all bonds before then are emotional.

How you Connect Emotionally is how you Connect Sexually~~

The New Science of Romantic Love: Love is the continual search for a basic, secure connection with someone else. Through this bond, partners in love become emotionally dependent on each other for nurturing, soothing, and protection. We have a wired-in need for emotional contact and responsiveness from significant others. It’s a survival response, the driving force of the bond of security a baby seeks with its mother. This observation is at the heart of attachment theory. A great deal of evidence indicates that the need for secure attachment never disappears; it evolves into the adult need for a secure emotional bond with a partner. Think of how a mother lovingly gazes at her baby, just as two lovers stare into each other’s eyes.

Although our culture has framed dependency as a bad thing, a weakness, it is not. Being attached to someone provides our greatest sense of security and safety. It means depending on a partner to respond when you call, to know that you matter to him or her, that you are cherished, and that he will respond to your emotional needs. The most basic tenet of attachment theory is that isolation—not just physical isolation but emotional isolation—is traumatizing for human beings. The brain actually codes it as danger. The drama of love is all about the human hunger for safe emotional connection, a survival imperative we experience from the cradle to the grave. Once we do feel safely linked with our partner, we can tolerate the hurts they will—inevitably—inflict upon us in the course of daily life.

Love demands the reassurance of touch. Most fights are really protests over emotional disconnection. Underneath the distress, partners are desperate to know: Are you there for me? We start out intensely connected to and responsive to our partners. But our level of attentiveness tends to drop off over time. We then experience moments of disconnection, times when we don’t express our needs clearly. He is upset and really wants to be comforted, but she leaves him alone, thinking that he wants solitude. These moments are actually inescapable in a relationship. If you’re going to dance with someone, you’re going to step on each other’s feet once in a while.

Losing the connection with a loved one, however, jeopardizes our sense of security. We experience a primal feeling of panic. It sets off an alarm in the brain’s amygdala, our fear center, where we are highly attuned to threats of all kinds. Once the amygdala sends out an alarm, we don’t think—we act. The threat can come from the outside world or from our own inner cosmos. It’s our perception that counts, not the reality. If we feel abandoned at a moment of need, we are set up to enter a state of panic. It’s what we do next, after those moments of disconnection, that has a huge impact on the shape of our relationship. Can you turn around and reconnect? If not, you’ll start engaging in fights that follow a clear pattern. I call these “demon dialogues.” If they gain momentum, they start to take over and induce a terrible sense of emotional aloneness. Your relationship feels less and less like a safe place, and it starts to unravel. You start to doubt that your partner is there for you, that he values you. Or that she will put you first.

A big myth about love is that it’s got a “best before” date, that passion is a burning fever that must subside. That’s pretty silly. I don’t see any scientific or human reason why people can’t have happy long-term love relationships. Among people who do have affairs, they don’t do so because their sex lives are boring. I’ve never had anyone come to my office and tell me that they had an affair because they were bored in bed. They have affairs because they’re lonely, because they can’t emotionally connect with their partner. Then somebody else smiles at them and makes them feel special and valued—and suddenly, they’re in this strange situation where they’re committed to one person but find themselves responding to another.

Passion is like everything else: It ebbs and flows. But sex is always going to be boring if it’s one-dimensional, cut off from emotional connection. On the other hand, if you’re emotionally involved, sex has a hundred dimensions to it, and is as much play as passion. I call this kind of secure sex “synchrony sex,” where emotional openness and responsiveness, tender touch, and erotic exploration all come together. When partners have a secure emotional connection, physical intimacy can retain all of its initial ardor and creativity and then some. Lovers can be tender and playful one moment, fiery and erotic another. Securely attached partners can more openly express their needs and preferences and are more willing to experiment sexually with their lovers.

In a secure relationship, excitement comes not from trying to resurrect the novel moments of infatuated passion but from the risk involved in staying open in the moment-to-moment, here-and-now experience of physical and emotional connection. With this openness comes the sense that lovemaking with your partner is always a new adventure.

Once you’re reconnected with your partner, and both of you are getting your attachment needs filled, you have to keep working at being emotionally responsive to one another. You can do that by helping each other identify the attachment issues that tend to come up in your recurring arguments.

You should also celebrate positive moments together, both big and small. Regularly and deliberately hold, hug, and kiss each other when you wake up, leave the house, return, and go to sleep. Recognize special days, anniversaries, and birthdays in very personal ways. These rituals keep your relationship safe in a distracting and chaotic world. Stories shape our lives, and the stories we tell about our lives shape us in turn. Create a future love story for you and your partner that outlines what your life together will look like five or ten years down the road. It will prime you to keep your bond strong.~

~Excerpts from:


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