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If the Miracle is a Proton, 99.9999% energy, then Proton + Proton builds a Frequency (or Energy Pattern), with Gandhi's point combined with Tesla's Key of 3, and Einstein's miracle notion (which is actually Liebert's idea in Quantum Indeterminacy) that everything is a Miracle, which proves Tesla's Aether

Every Proton has the same information

Protons together… It’s another to make scientific sense of the debris that’s left behind.

Proton + Proton

The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop, Version #31

Alpha Proton + Alpha Proton = Elegant Cooperation and Partnership Logic Proof

Alpha Proton + Alpha Proton = Elegant Cooperation and Partnership Logic Proof

Deductive Reason and Logic with Transitive Property of Equality returns in 9 days

The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop, Version #31 Alpha Proton + Alpha Proton = Elegant Cooperation and Partnership Logic Proof Deductive Reason and Logic with Transitive Property of Equality Miracles = Alpha Protons = Light Light (Miracles) Miracles as Alpha Protons, 99.9999% Energy, a quanta, a particle Alpha Proton + Alpha Proton = Good + Good Alpha Proton + Alpha Proton = Elegant Cooperation and Partnership Light + Light = Alpha Proton + Alpha Proton Light + Light = Elegant Cooperation and Partnership Good + Good = Elegant Cooperation and Partnership Good + Good = Light + Light Elegant Cooperation and Partnership + Tesla’s Key of 3 Vibration Frequency = Elegant Cooperation and Partnership + Tesla’s Key of 3 Vibration Frequency + Kind Mind / Brain / Physiological

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory declared their support for protons, which will help them create the world’s most intense beam of neutrinos—particles too aloof to participate in the Smackdown themselves—for the upcoming Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment. Protons also play a starring role at Brookhaven National Accelerator Laboratory, which collides them in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, or RHIC. Clara Nellist explained that scientists use protons in the LHC because they have a magnetic charge, which scientists can use to steer them, and because they’re heavy enough not to lose most of their energy as they loop around the accelerator complex.

Tesla's Aether with Invisible and Unseen + Energy + Alchemy + Sacred Geometry + 5D + Metaphysics in Noumena and Phenomena (Additional Theory) + Dr. Emoto's Water (Alchemy)

Tesla's Aether is described as Invisible and Unseen Phenomena. It is the foundation of a Quantum Field. It's currently part of the study of Dark Matter, and Dark Energy in the Universe/Multiverse. Noted as his greatest achievement, Tesla's Aether is said that the study of Aether will progress us as a society, based on Tesla's findings.

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence." – Nikola Tesla

Metaphysics is defined both as Noumena and Phenomena, and source citation from a prominent Physicist, "Anything considered spiritual or metaphysical is generally just the physics we do not yet understand." – Nassim HarameinA perfect positive loop with the first question on The Miraculist, with Liebert Proofs on Tiny and Little, with Everything is a Miracle builds the Frequency (Gandhi + Tesla) we have on The Miraculist

Tesla's Aether syncs with Hume's Invisible Or Metaphysics Phenomena

According to the philosopher David Hume, a miracle is “a transgression of a law of nature by a particular volition of the Deity, or by the interposition of some invisible agent.” A miracle may be accurately defined, a transgression of a law of nature by a particular volition of the Deity, or by the interposition of some invisible agent. A miracle may either be discoverable by men or not. This alters not its nature and essence. The raising of a house or ship into the air is a visible miracle. The raising of a feather, when the wind wants ever so little of a force requisite for that purpose, is as real a miracle, though not so sensible with regard to us.

Of Miracles An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding…/An_Enquiry_Concerning_Human_Unde…

Sacred Geometry Tesla's Aether is the Dodecahedron, or the Holy Decah by Pythagoreas, in the foundation of Pythagorean Harmonics.

Alchemy Key in Tesla's Key of 9 created by Tova Katz on The Miraculist in December 2015

Alchemy in Tesla's Key of 9

1. Earth 2. Air 3. Fire 4. Water 5. Aether < 6. Spirit 7. Energy < 8. Frequency 9. Vibration

“Life is a series of tiny little miracles. Notice them.” = “There are only two ways to live your life.  One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

“There are only two ways to live your life.  One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ~ Albert Einstein

Liebert Tiny Proof is built on variations of this “Life is a series of tiny little miracles. Notice them.”

Miraculous Frequency = Einstein + Gandhi + Tesla (in Tesla’s Key of 3)

What is…

So, the first question on TM was, What if to live as though everything is a Miracle? Even though Einstein didn’t say it, and it was Liebert’s idea for Miracles in Quantum Mechanics with Particles in Quantum Indeterminacy (non-religious and micro), Einstein did use the word miracle, and saw God as Nature, like The Romantics with Sublime. The second half of Einstein/Liebert builds a miraculous frequency. Together with Gandhi’s miraculous channel, and Tesla’s Key, it all works together.


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